Hey Parents! It's that time of year! Time we start thinking about the upcoming school year (even though this one isn't even over!) Your student athlete will have to have a physical in order to participate in school athletic activities. Rest easy, you can get this done quick, easy, inexpensively, and by sports medicine professionals at your child's high school (or future high school).
We are so fortunate in this area to have such great schools that take care of our kids! Northwest and Keller ISD high schools are all hosting physical days this year to make this process as easy as possible.
The doctors, physical therapists, and athletic trainers at these events practice in the sports medicine and orthopedic world everyday! These are the professionals you want screening your kids, and for less than (most) copays!
How physicals work at school: Your child will start with their vitals being taken (height, weight, blood pressure, and pulse.) Next their vision will be checked and then they will be screened for any orthopedic abnormalities. The orthopedic screen will be done by a physical therapist or a doctor. After the ortho screen they will be seen by a doctor to listen to heart and lungs and get a quick evaluation and review of medical history. The doctor will then sign off and clear your athlete for participation. If there is an issue that needs a closer look then you will know about the issue months sooner than waiting to get a physical done this summer, and you can go see whatever other medical professional may be needed!
Plus the best news of all: I'll be working a few of these events, what a bonus!?
Check with your high school on dates and times! We will post them when we get them as well!
If you have questions you can always reach out to me as well, contact the clinic at 817-756-5366, Contact us online , or email Kelley@legacyptw.com .
